These tools should only be used if updates from your CRM aren't showing in OnTheHouse.
If you find OnTheHouse is not displaying updates to listings made in your CRM, you can update them manually in the Agent Centre. Always check to see if there are any errors with the CRM connection in XML Uploads, more information please click here:
For Sale: This status will set your listing as 'for sale' and will be published on OnTheHouse.
Under Offer: Will leave the listing published but change the status to 'Under Offer'.
Withdrawn: Removes the listing from OnTheHouse but will still be available in listing management.
Sold: Updates the listing on OnTheHouse to Sold for 1 year and will be available in listing management.
When updating to Sold, you will be asked for the sale date and price, tick NO if you don't want the sale price displayed on OnTheHouse.
Updates to OnTheHouse will not update your CRM, make sure you update your CRM with any changes you make in OnTheHouse.
For Rent: This status will set your listing as 'for rent' and will be published on OnTheHouse.
Leased: Removes the listing from OnTheHouse but will still be available in listing management.
Withdrawn: Removes the listing from OnTheHouse but will still be available in listing management.
Any changes made may take several minutes to show in OnTheHouse.
To update listings, first find them in the Listing Management section of the Agent Centre. For more information, see Listing Management.
On each listing, you'll see the Listing Status which you can change using the drop downs.