There are four types of email alerts available on OnTheHouse:
Suburb Watch: Monthly updates about a tracked suburb
Property Watch: Monthly updates about a tracked property
Marketing emails
Saved Search Alerts: Email alerts for saved For Sale, For Rent and Recently Sold searches are sent based on your selected frequency (daily, weekly, monthly or never)
When you click on Track Property or Track Suburb on a property detail page, you will be subscribed to monthly email alerts about the property or the property's suburb.
Image 1: Subscribing to Property Watch and Suburb Watch emails.
To access your email alert settings, log in to your account, click on your user profile icon and select the email alert you wish to manage. To unsubscribe from Property Watch emails, click on Tracked Properties. To unsubscribe from Suburb Watch emails, click on Tracked Suburbs. To unsubscribe from Saved Search email alerts click on Saved Search Alerts.
Note: Saved Search email alerts are only available for For Sale, For Rent, and Recently Sold saved searches.
Image 2: Accessing email alert settings from the homepage.
On the selected tab, click on Untrack to stop tracking a property or a suburb.
Image 3: Removing a suburb from the Tracked Suburbs list.
To unsubscribe from marketing emails, click on your user profile icon and select Account Settings. Scroll down to the Marketing emails section and use the toggle to set email alerts on or off.
Image 4: Managing marketing email alerts.