After you have signed up to list on OnTheHouse, we'll work with your nominated CRM provider to enable the feed for your listings to come through. Once we have enabled the feed, you need to sign in to your CRM and complete the following steps before listings can be published to OnTheHouse.
Follow these steps to publish listings from VaultRE to OnTheHouse:
Login to VaultRE and go to the General tab of a listing
Under the Visibility section, tick the checkbox for and click Save
Note: If you are publishing listings to OnTheHouse for the first time, you may ask VaultRE to publish all your current listings in bulk. However, you have to publish all new listings individually by following the steps listed above.
For further assistance, please refer to VaultRE's user guide. If you are unable to complete the steps above, please contact VaultRE Support
It may take up to 15 minutes for listings to be published and visible on OnTheHouse. If you do not see your active listings on OnTheHouse after 15 minutes, please fill in this form to get in touch with Customer Care.