When you register to list your properties on OnTheHouse, we’ll work with your nominated CRM provider to enable the feed for your agency and OnTheHouse.
To Setup the feed between Rockend and OnTheHouse it does require a couple of extra steps by the agent within the Rockend software to complete the configuration.
Please view Rockend's Setup guide.
When you reach Step 4 of this process, you will need to fill in the details listed below.
Please check your confirmation email you received from OnTheHouse when you first registered to list properties on OnTheHouse, as this email will include the details to enter in each of these fields within the Rockend platform.
• Service
• Login Name
• Login Password
• FTP Address
• Export Format
You will also need to enter in the Service Name in Rockend. This is the Agency ID# that is created for you by OnTheHouse. Please email info@onthehouse.com.au if you haven’t received an email with this ID.
Once this information is in place you can send over a bulk update of your listings by following the Rockend Web Upload guide.
If you encounter any further issues with the Rockend configuration, please contact their Support.
Once you have pushed your ads to the site, It may take up to 15 minutes for listings to appear on the portal. Check a couple of your active listings to confirm they are now published to OnTheHouse.com.au.
Please contact us using our Agent contact form if your listings are not displayed or if you require any other assistance.